“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

— Mary Oliver, The Summer Day


I am available to take on new clients and I currently offer all counselling session online via Zoom.

Hello, I am Beibei Mu and a warm welcome to my page.

There might be many reasons you are reading this page. You may find it hard to deal with an unexpected and challenging life situation. You may be going through a life crisis, feeling lost, anxious and unfulfilled, suffering from heartache of not belonging, emptiness or disconnection. You might feel haunted by the past or hopeless about the future.

The culture we live and breathe in teaches us to hide our flaws, wounds, broken parts, and to strive to be strong, positive and perfect. We often push these painful emotions away, or pretend the pain is not there and go on living. But some time later, these pains emerge to surface unexpectedly in a different form. The old ways of being in the world and relating to others are no longer working for you anymore. Life is calling you to make some changes.

It requires a lot of courage to take an inward journey to explore your innermost thoughts and feelings, and counselling can be the first step you take to start the healing process.

As an integrative transpersonal counsellor, I will provide a safe, non-judgemental and confidential space for you to feel heard and witnessed in a deep and meaningful way. I will support you in your exploration of your life journey - together we will make meaning of what has happened for you, untangle some threads and integrate various parts of your life, and experiment and explore new ways of being and relating to yourself and to the world.


About Me

My Approach

Online Counselling




Get in touch to organise a free 20-minute consultation.

Start your path of healing and growth today.